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Correction Policies at Atlas for Dummies

As mentioned in our fact-checking policy, We make every effort to avoid errors - as well as transparency in corrections. In keeping with principles of accuracy, integrity, and fairness, we correct a significant error when we have been able to establish that one has occurred. Most articles have a feature at the bottom of the piece labeled "Report Error". Use the form to send details about any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical problems within the piece.


We believe that with great power comes great responsibility. We aim to be accountable, accurate, and authority. This is essential for our credibility with our audience. When a correction is necessary, it is made promptly given the circumstances, with due regard for the reach of the published error.



Updating Articles


In addition to corrections, we believe it is important to update content (both related and evergreen) where possible - when new info is available. When we post articles, previous stories/features on that subject are updated with links to the new post so that readers always have the full picture no matter which of our articles on the subject they land on.


For corrections or update requests, please contact our editor-in-chief

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