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Fact Checking Policies of Atlas for Dummies

We strive for accurate information and apply a rigorous vetting process to every article on the site. Before any article is written, we ensure the information is the newest available information and accurate. We verify sources and always dig down to the original source (and reference material if applicable) before the writing process begins


 Atlas-for-Dummies articles don't just provide information, we provide industry-leading context that explains why that information is important to you. This website direct you to the main source of the article to clear the mislead information.


The team at Atlas-for-Dummies come from diverse backgrounds in Geography, Botany, History, English Literature and Business Management including a couple of editors holding PhDs in their respective fields, who are brought together by a passion for all things informative and a goal of providing the best, as well as most engaging, content possible for visitors to our site.


For corrections or update requests, please contact our editor-in-chief

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